
Just Another Jekyll Theme

Confusion Matrix


| | T | F | |—|—|—| | Positive | TP | FP | | Negative | FN | TN | TP: 预测结果是Postive这个命题本身是TRUE TF: 预测结果是Negative这个命题本身是TRUE FP: 预测结果是Postive这个命题本身是FALSE FN: 预测结果是Negative这个命题本身是FALSE

Recall = TP/(TP+FN) ,所有原本是postive的样本中被正确预测到的占比

  • 之所以叫Recal就是对原本情况的追溯

Precision = TP/(TP+FP), 所有被预测为Positive的样本中被正确预测的占比

  • 预测结果被分为两部分,正确预测和错误预测

Accuracy = (TP+TN)/Total, 所有样本被正确预测的占比


  • 期望 最大化 True Positive 的比例,同时 最小化 False positive 的比例
  • 极端情况是TPR=1, FPR=0
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R Proxy Configutaion

R proxy-Configuration

Configuring R to Use an HTTP or HTTPS Proxy

To set the required environment variables you should add them to the R environment file (which is read by R at startup). On RStudio Server this file is found at R_HOME/etc/Renviron.site. On RStudio Desktop this file is found in the user home directory at ~/.Renviron. You can easily access your .Renviron file by running the command file.edit('~/.Renviron') within RStudio

Note that these files might not exist in the default installation of R so you may need to create them if they aren’t already present.



how to change the default working directory

  1. Navigate to ‘Rprofile.site’, open it in text-editor.
  2. insert right at the top of the file in the first line the following command which tells R to set the working directory at start-up to the PATH you are specifying within the brackets (be sure you use double backslashes “\” for Windows!)
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Another Demo blog

machine-learning python numpy scikit-learn
Another Demo blog

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, vivamus quis, urna ligula, aliquet wisi fermentum pellentesque. Vestibulum euismod erat urna vestibulum, per cras tempus bibendum vestibulum, cras a, mus et. Ultrices adipiscing dolor, pellentesque neque nunc eros, sit etiam quam a. Mattis magna sem sed faucibus, luctus nec egestas mauris et in est, quam libero, facilisis metus tempor dolor aenean, cursus eget venenatis faucibus lectus ante. Et ac qui et scelerisque ac, nulla in, rhoncus a imperdiet, dui ac eu euismod sed sit libero. Felis mauris quis magna felis inceptos, non magna praesent velit enim tellus et. Sed ultricies per ac ipsum pellentesque nascetur, scelerisque habitant eget cras, leo est donec. Repellat viverra pulvinar in, eros sed ipsum est, quis turpis ridiculus porttitor lectus est et, est dapibus arcu non mauris tellus. Consequat neque est donec omnis ut odio, semper a faucibus mus purus.

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